I guess all the mystery is resolved now that the recall has been issued, but I thought I'd post just to add to the body of evidence. I have 930 miles on my 2012 S ZF6 and was going about 50mph on a cool morning at medium throttle when the motor seemed to run rough for a couple of seconds, then smooth, then rough, and then off. I pulled over, turned it on and off about 5 times (and flipped the ECO and motor kill buttons unscientifically a few times) before the bike came back to life. I got back on the road and made it to work just fine.
My dealer in Charlotte said they actually don't have the software to run the firmware upgrade yet, but that they expect to get it soon. They're also 150 miles away, so I don't know what we're going to do about that. Anyone else solve the long-distance upgrade problem?