Does anyone know what the standard charge up time is for that model year to 100% and 80%, And what options are available to reduce charge time?
Does the J1772 adaptor actually reduce charge time over just plugging it into your wall at home?
There is a Y adaptor that allows 2 chargers to be used at once for the 2012 model part number 10-04423.
I have spare zero yellow Quiq chargers, ( model 912-4800 ) so could the correct 2012 charging algorithm be flashed into this charger so we could have 2 chargers or does the 2012 have a higher rated Quiq charger?
Or is Chademo charging available for 2012 model year and if so what is the cost and the charge advantage?
The onboard charger for a 2012 Zero S or DS is 0.8kW, which takes about 8-9 hours for 100% charge.
The J1772 inlet offered by Zero simply allows you to access electricity at car charging stations. The charge rate is the same since it uses the same 0.8kW onboard charger.
You can get Y-adapters from Zero Motorcycles or
Zero used to sell Quiq chargers for 2012 models, and they are plug-and-play. The more recent faster chargers for Zeros are the wrong voltage (116V instead of 72V).
CHAdeMO is not an option for any Zero Motorcycle. They offered it for a few months for 2013 bikes but discontinued it and never offered it for any other model year. Nor do they plan to. There are other threads on this topic that go into greater depth.