Here's a moto-journalist review, which shows some realistic critiques (oops, TheRan beat me to it while I was typing):'m not sure about the range figures yet, but I believe the 13% improvement claim. It just sounds realistic compared to say the Hollywood Electrics fairing which offers a similar improvement.
Honestly, the bike looks much more ergonomic than the SR/F and the price difference of $500 over the equivalent SR/F trims is very reasonable.
I would be glad to buy this with 6kW charging and a Power Tank, mount a broad touring windscreen with adjustable brackets, and look towards touring once the charging situation is sorted. All that Zero really needs to provide is CCS and some side racks. I also like think that Cerulian blue color/finish is really attractive.
Of course, what I'd really aim for is that extra-streamlined setup, with wheel covers and an enclosed tail with storage. That's a project, but I'd rather start with this bike than any other electric motorcycle model on offer.