A few pictures from today's event. I got bored and left at noon after lunch was served. 
You probably left a few minutes before I got there. Your photos came out a lot better than mine, so I will not even bother to post mine. I was using my backpacking camera, which isn't the greatest for such photos.
It was very cold going down I-5, in the light fog. The warmest area of the entire ride was when I got close to Livermore.
Anyway, I sure learned a lot about the Energicas today, which I will share in various messages in this section a bit later. Mostly about the design changes. I think I got the answer to every question I could think of, between the two batteries, the Ego stalling and much more, that I will put in related sections later tonight.
BTW, those who purchased a Energica in the last year (as I did) will get a letter in about a month how they will give $2,000.00 more back in a trade in to the bikes with the 21.5KWH battery, to make up for the price differences.
BTW, while it is possible to put the new battery in the older bikes, it is not worth the trouble. The main cables will need to be changed, so they do not offer such. It would cost more than just upgrading to the newer bike.
The reason the new battery is lighter is because the older battery was over-engineered. They put in a lot more casting in the older battery, about 25 lbs of it that they discovered later wasn't really necessary. The new battery cells weight about the same as the old cells, but they are different cells. And the layout is different, more of the weight down lower.
Also, my bike has an 80 amp fuse inside the battery and is a big hassle to change. The newer battery has the fuse (now larger, perhaps 100 amps, but they were not sure) behind a cover that just requires removing a few screws to replace. There was a problem with some chargers blowing fuses, by them starting the charge at 75 KWs or so. A charger FW problem, but in Europe, not here. They do have one bike from the USA with a blown main battery fuse, but they have not yet determined the cause.
-Don- Auburn, CA