I registered for an API key which was free and if i read it correctly you can do 2500 transactions per day for free.
i used an example request around my location and got a set of coordinates in JSON format, i then converted that to csv coordinates with an online converter (took some tries and deletion of some data of the JSON response) and then fed the data into GPSvisualizer. This got a nice looking boundary box of reachable range. (see picture). i reckon that a proper programmer should not have to take all these side steps, LOL
The request even contains a variable for energy consumed per 100 km which we should adapt to the SR/F. It is in the form of
which I read to be "at 50 kph the consumption is 8.2kWh per 100 km and at 130 kph 21.3 kwH per 100 km"
This would be a lot lower for the SR/F. Having the current Wh/km readout on the dash and going a constant 50 and 130 should be easy to do. Or maybe we can just enter the ranges Zero claims on their website
another parameter is the current available kwh : energyBudgetInkWh=12 which is easily determined by max kwh (12.6 for the SR/F) and the current SOC. So when the SOC is getting lower the boundary box would get smaller
the full command i used was (api key removed for obvious reasons
curl -X GET "
https://api.tomtom.com/routing/1/calculateReachableRange/51.500000,4.700000/json?\> energyBudgetInkWh=12&report=effectiveSettings\
> &routeType=eco&traffic=true&avoid=unpavedRoads&travelMode=car&vehicleMaxSpeed=120\
> &vehicleCommercial=false&vehicleEngineType=electric\
> &constantSpeedConsumptionInkWhPerHundredkm=50%2C8.2%3A130%2C21.3\
> &key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "accept: */*"