Well, customer service called back to tell me the dealer couldn't do this, i.e., they apparently don't routinely have the password. My dealer did not and didn't know there was one. But he didn't know about the MBB console, either. So maybe only when an MBB needs to be replaced would zero assist or whatever.
I'm fairly handy with computers and been using Linux for years. When I connect to the MBB with putty, it writes all the traffic to a file. AFAIK all the traffic is plain text. I don't see any special or unreadable characters in the log files. Not sure what you mean by zero software. From what I have found out, the MBB console is firmware. When I connect, I am "logged in" at level 0, without having used the login command. This is shown when you use the login command with no parameters. I tried a few passwords with the login command with no success. So it appears to me the password is never in the stream until you enter it. So, it seems like it is a guessing game.
Would there be one password for all MBBs or is it specific to each MBB? I tried the serial and vin numbers as passwords with no success. It would be great to have it but I don't know where to go from here other than keep guessing ...
I am definitely open to suggestions.