DonTom, Electric Terry had a FB post where he Hyper Miled for some crazy range. I want to say >200 miles but he was crawling near the coast.
Bill822, thanks for the post. Somewhere in all my Bicycling magazines or in one of my training books was that formula with all the factors for speed and energy use while riding. The degree of elevation increase or decrease, the air density relative to sea level, humidity, rolling resistance, wind speed for sure. Spend $2000 for lighter wheels to reduce your rolling rotational weight and not $400 for carbon fiber handle bars as fixed weight.
The big part to remember was the square of the velocity which is what kills our highway range.
On the bicycle it meant I had to just keep carb loading.
Unfortunately I still carb load but don't ride so I'm carrying around an extra 60lbs. All well time is undefeated.
It hurts the gas mileage on an ICE bike as well but the super energy density of gas help cover that up (and gearing).