Wow, thank you so much for your efforts! This is so useful to make sure that charging hasn't randomly stopped (wasting valuable time)!
I have wanted an app for quite some time that could roll everything (my favorite features) into one, but more simplified. It has been frustrating needing to go between a dozen apps just to access all the information I need when doing research. I may yet try my hand at writing it myself but I am also not *extremely* well-versed in communication protocols or android programming (but have worked with both in the past).
For my 2016 SR and my android devices:
-"Zero Voltage" does not retrieve balance and has been the only app to display Ah capacity for me
-"Zero Official" does not show anything but temperatures while riding, and was the only app to show SoC and battery temperature
-"Metrics for Zero" is sometimes unscrollable for in-app viewing of data and can crash if ran too long (no adjustment for sample rate)
Not bashing any of these, I am very grateful that I have access to the unique benefits each of these provide. But to recap, I'd love a single app that can show voltage, battery temperature, balance, estimated SoC, capacity, and the low-hanging fruit measurements of current and battery amperage WHILE the bike is armed. Just saw the screen shot, if the library supports this while armed I'll be a happy camper. Even your balance is more useful than the official app! For clarity I would not read or analyze these while riding it would just be for when I can safely do so or for screen recording it. Well done.
On second thought, after reading the CANBUS thread a few below this one I will wait for this to be vetted and safely exit beta before riding and using this. I realize with other third-party apps there is still inherent risk and I have accepted that and try to mitigate as much as possible. Personal choice.