I bought a FX a little while back and its a fun bike. I bought it knowing it wasn't very practical for me. Just a fun bike for short rides and its worked great for that. I charge it at home, ride it til its empty, then coast into the driveway and plug it back in at home. So its good for one ride a day at 60 miles and I don't expect any more from it than that. when I want to actually go for a motorcycle ride, I still get on my ICE bikes and just ride and don't worry about fuel.
I've got an itch for a faster Zero now. Something that is quicker and more powerful than the FX at higher speeds and has the ability to do longer miles. I figure that is pretty much any other model, but the SR/F is obviously the most interesting of the options.
For longer miles, I guess I have the option of a power tank or charge tank. In my area, there is one L2 charge station and one Tesla station. Other charging options are many miles beyond that. I guess if you include RV parks with available 220 plugs, then there are some more options close by.
It seems like with a S/SR/DS/DSR, the range without a power tank is around 100 miles and with a power tank, the range is around 120 miles or so. With the SR/F, there is no power tank yet, but there is the option to get a charge tank that can get you to 95% in an hour after riding 100 miles or so.
I'm trying to figure out how practical that really is. How functional is either a bike that can go 120 miles but takes a long time to recharge, versus a bike that goes 100 miles but can recharge in an hour, but only at specific locations. Any insights?