Also, I'm almost in agreement with pacificcricket. Comparing head-to-head with ICE motorcycles, it's not a tremendously easy case to make in favor of the electrics. Range and purchase cost issues are real, and will be for a while. And with the high purchase cost, even cost of ownership will probably take years to work out in favor of the electric. I hate to say that, as a big fan of electric motorcycles, but it doesn't do anybody any favors to set up false expectations.
But, you mention part of your motivation is reducing your carbon footprint. That's definitely one of the better reasons for buying electric.
The BEST reasons, though, you'll only find out if you throw a leg over one. Find your local dealer and do a test ride. The monster torque, the instantaneous response at any time under any circumstances, the quiet, the roll-on response, all make for a very satisfying ride.
But until you do that, until you become a convert, yeah...electric motorcycles may not be for you. It's definitely still in the "early adopter" stage. Try it and see if you get addicted to it like many of us have.