Campaign complete!
Hello IndieGoGo supporters! From the bottom of our hearts thank you all for participating in this campaign. Literally everything helped, from $5 to $2500 and everything in between. You guys are awesome and we're so excited to see the level of enthusiasm from this community.
Obviously we fell short of the goal, but that's ok. All perks and rewards purchased will be honored as listed. For our part we've been busy getting advice from powerful Movers and Shakers of the industry, including famed inventor/designer Craig Vetter and Beloved Seat Overlord, Mike Corbin, who have been extremely generous with both time and wisdom imparted. The opportunity to work with an exciting local entrepreneur, Craig Calfee of Calfee Design, presented itself. Craig runs a phenomenal machine shop where he makes high-quality bicycles and frames, as well as some very exciting projects utilizing electric powered vehicles and the Zero Powertrain itself. With his knowledge and expertise we are poised to grow beyond just the Zero market with upcoming projects, so stay tuned! We're scheduled to meet up and hammer out details in the next few days. Photos and video updates will follow soon.
As soon as IndieGoGo finishes processing the funds and releases them we'll be able to invest the money back into parts and infrastructure. To be clear, without your support we could not be doing this. Thank you!
The digiNow team