It would be unwise to underestimate the appeal of the "commuter-only" machine, even if commuting is truly the only purpose for the vehicle. For most drivers, commuting is far and away how they spend the majority of their miles.
But these bikes are far more versatile than that, anyhow. I've done club rides from where I live in El Cajon to Borrego Springs, about 150 miles round trip. Granted, I generally meet my club partway up the ride after a fresh recharge, and convince them to stop in Borrego for another recharge, then break off early for a final recharge, but so what? I still get to do >50% of the ride with them, and the rest by myself, and it's a great day of riding.
I've also ridden up to visit my family in Orange County, 180 miles or so round trip, which also works out great. I also did a one-day 263-mile trip, just so I could join the "250 miles in one day" club. It was a long day but a good day.
For me, I don't WANT longer trips very often, if ever. It just means more time spent in the saddle with a sore butt and stiff legs. They're supposed to be pleasure rides, not bummer rides.