OK Guys, guess what? The SR/F will be on a 200v platform allowing speed charging. Furthermore, the battery and motor will be boosted with a 100 hp and probably a 18.8 KW battery. The frame will be more solid and a bit lower with more substantial brakes and forks. Traction control will also be featured, along with an excellent display.
Price point will hover around 22-25k
Performance will be stupid fast and top speed will be around 130
I have inferred this from Zero so lets see how close I come in February
I would hope they would extend the specs a bit further tbh. I would like to think moving to a completely new platform/architecture affords that kind of flexibility. We already have 18 kw so why not a bump to 20? Perhaps weight? Though assuming the new motor is more efficient, then perhaps 18kw is plenty and keeps the weight down?
Otherwise I think the rest not only should be included, it should be expected! tft, TC, better suspension, CCS, etc.
This will be playing with Harley and Energica and they either exist or already announced these items a while back.
How about an 11kw on board L2?
C'mon Zero, let's push the envelope for $21-25k!