For me: why the hell does someone gets his leg out and unbalance the bike in the first place?
Keep it on the pegs, allways.
Sure, pro's do it on a circuit, but we are not on both probably.
But, back to discussion.
Just a rider error here. He wasn't in control here.
The turn came up faster and sharper as expected.
The guy in front also had a problem in the corner.
Direct drive is awesome on the Zero, but pay respect to it.
For total control on driving a Zero I never found myself more comfortable on any ICE bike.
No sudden power push or loss when on the power.
On an EV everything is 1 on 1 with your wrist, smooth delivery.
So I don't think new or old drivers makes much difference.
Just respect the power you got and never pull full open if you are in a corner, it will bite.
On an ICE you have delay, even at 7000rpm, on an EV it's without delay.
So traction control would be very helpfull just like any safety system.
But it's not needed...adjust your driving itself first...