My personal issue is that I won't get any new apps unless I agree to the Google Store's terms of service and after I read the entire agreement I just can't do that.
So no new apps for me. 
And all this time I was thinking nobody ever bothered to read all that legal garbage . . .
So what did the section say where you refused to agree?
-Don- Reno, NV
The terms of service agreement went on and on, but when I got to the section that said they could download anything that they wanted at any time without my permission, I decided that was not my idea of good customer service. Naturally it also had a section about my agreeing that they could keep track of my movements. I bet if I read further it would also say that I agree to hold Google harmless should anything happen to me or to them because of my use of one of their apps. The agreement had a lot of other crap in it, all benefiting Google and nothing that I could see that benefited me, other than allowing me to download the apps in their "store".
Now every time I turn on my cell phone I get a notice telling me that I have 7 updates that need my approval. When I click on the update window, Google says that I need to agree to their terms of service and when I "decline", the window along with all of the app updates, goes away.

The only apps on my phone I use is the Zero app and the Google Hangup app to make phone calls to my daughter. I do have other apps on my phone that I have tried to delete but the system won't let me delete them, so I just leave them alone and don't let them try to update. So I turn on my phone when I need to do check on my Zero and make a phone call, the rest of the time I keep it off and save my battery.