My problem is that I just don't have any patience when stopping, even at rest stops, much less gas stations. I just want to take as little time as possible to refuel or to hit the bathroom and then start riding again. I just couldn't take standing around watching my battery capacity numbers slowly increase. But that is just me. I am sure that other people are more relaxed about traveling than I am.
I like touring, used to do 900km a day for the fun of it.
Fast charging gives me the opportunity to do at least modest touring.
Plus: on <160km trips I now will have it possible to charge like 15 minutes to get another 25km if I was having too much fun.... instead of fearing pushing....
Believe me, I've done several +800km trips this summer and it is very doable thanks to fast chargers like Fastned. It is amazing to ride these distances on a single day.
Please, do not dismiss Zero's offerings as borne out of ignorance or incompetence.
Zero, as a vehicle manufacturer, cannot produce and ship products or accessories that do not pass regulations in the major markets it addresses, mainly the EU/ECE and the USA.
DigiNow does not have to comply with those same regulations, and can sell products that Zero is not legally permitted to sell.
Zero sold the 2.5kW version of the Charge Tank for a couple of years because that's what they could ship, out of everything they tried. They sold the newer more powerful model as soon as they could. They'll sell a bellypan charger that's better than the admittedly-lackluster Calex 1200 when they can.
I don't have any insider information, but I connect the dots from hearing what their people sometimes say after the fact or just from interviews like this over time.
My point is that this aftermarket is a valid tier, and while both Zero and DigiNow could be doing a better job, they both deserve credit for working hard at what they make, and for pricing their products fairly (even if neither explains their value quite as well as I'd like).
I agree that Zero has to adhere to higher standards since they are the OEM after all, but to be honest I have the idea that even with the old fashioned onboard the bikes are selling like hot cakes anyway because they are perfect for commuting and general faffing around on a bike. A lot of owners still have an ICE standing by for the longer rides or take a car.
They did drop the ball on some fronts though imho.
- Scrapping Chademo because some Cali stations didn't adhere to the Chademo standard. I've seen hunderds of fast chargers on my rides and not a single one didn't offer the full voltage range. They had fast charging worked out and took it away again, making it a whole level of extra sour for riders who could have used it.
- Offering the charge tank in Europe with a J1772 plug, like wtf most of the world uses Mennekes anyway
The communication protocol behind it is the same, all they have to do is wire in another inlet.
- The onboard; in 2018 it isn't viable anymore, there are so much more smaller, lighter and proven chargers these days. I'm not talking Diginow fast but for half the weight you can have double the power of OEM quality chargers than what they use now.