They are definitely confusing, I see numbers thrown around that don't seem to match the log parser from the hundreds of files uploaded to it.
When I first got my 2014 my firmware, according to the log parser, was something like 44. It's been upgraded a few times - 47, 49, 52, 53, 54 now. These numbers make sense and are sequential.
For the most part, people with 2014-2016's seem to be in the same range, regardless of model or year.
But the newest bikes people are throwing out numbers much different from that series. Nobody has uploaded a 2018 log to the online parser utility yet, that I can tell, so I wonder if they're seeing it in the Zero app and if that is reporting the same number as the parser.
I should be picking up my 2018 FX this weekend and will piece it together. I'll look in the Zero app and upload a log and compare.
The link above to the latest firmwares is current. I think 54 is the latest MBB version for 2014-2016 or maybe even 2017. I just got it a week or two ago.
Note that I'm only speaking of MBB versions. BMS versions on my bike are lower, it was just upgraded from 27 to 31, supposedly 31 being the latest BMS from Zero.