Hello all.
First, thanks for the forum, I just got here and already I've found the solution to the first issue I have with my new Zero DSR, how to get a decent wind screen on there so I don't have to tuck down during the majority of my daily 66 mile round trip commute to work.
I live about 30 miles east of Sacramento CA and have been saving up for an electric bike for years in order to cut the cost of the trip to work. Even with the current low gas prices I'm estimating the Zero with pay itself off in 6 years compared to the cost of driving my small truck.
The e-bike bonus for me (as a prepper) is the ability to have a reliable transportation fuel in a SHTF event. The Zero will also help with saving up the funds for a solar installation so I can have a daily supply of fuel.
I'm looking forward to getting to know the members here, and who knows, maybe, hopefully, even contributing to the great content of the forum.
Thanks again,