Exact same problem going on with my 2015 SR. Noticed an immediate reduction in range after Firmware. Unlike most readers here, I have not been interested in the various windows on the dash or using the App. I just depend on battery gauge and trip odometer. I should have switched to Range earlier as I know I would have realized a definite rather than an estimated problem. My riding area is well defined. I never got less than 0.7 miles per 1%, or est 70 miles at freeway speed. Now I get 0.5. I often got 1.2 or 1.3 riding around 45 mph or less. Now it’s never more than 1 to 1.
The app shows 9.3 kWh capacity with te 12.5 battery. The loss of range is about the same % as loss of battery capacity.
My dealer sent all the info to Zero and we await their reply. Glad to know I’m not alone. -George
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I have noticed that it’s variable as well. Ride the bike until it dies and the next time the gauge will be closer. Partial charges and higher rate charges will mess it up again. Sometimes it will report that there are 25kwhr, sometimes 8kwhr. Regardless, my range, like yours, is clearly 25% lower regardless of SOC indication based on riding to the point it can’t maintain highway speed. The Wh/mi measurement also agrees with the reduction.
My big problem is twofold: I can’t tell how much range I’ll have on any given charge (even though that objectively is based on cell voltage); and Zero refuses to accept that this is a problem at all and blames it on us when it was clearly working fine before. As a long term EV user and advocate, I accept a lot of early adopter and SOC uncertainty issues, but being blamed for their bad firmware (for using their charger!) is just offensive.
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