They didn't have an SR, but let my gf and I take out a DSR and an S. It was heavy traffic around downtown San Diego, but still had enough freeway space to wick it up over 102. Was impressed, made deposit, SR 14.4 with charge tank and white bodywork has ETA of January. Kind of a novel sensation getting up to speed that quickly with so little drama. We were stuck in freeway traffic and I'm looking ahead trying to figure out why everyone is going so slowly, then I caught a glimpse of the speedo at 74mph, haha.
And I love that the 2018 is going to be in white. There's nothing better than lane-sharing up to the front at a stoplight on a white, cop-looking bike and watching all the motorists throw their phones over into the passenger seat.
Looking forward to this!
Thanks very much for the guidance. More noob questions sure to come.
Just thought of one: will the Zero motorcycle app work with my ancient Iphone 4s?