Shadow, this is not a thread for you to grind your axe against Diginow. I'm trying to create a positive resource for this community to help each other with technical issues beyond one member's capabilities (comfort zone) but in another's wheelhouse. This is about paying it forward, not dragging others down. I want everyone in the community to make their bikes all they can be so the ICE riders take notice and make the leap themselves.
I appreciate this approach.
Since I had been involved in the abortive SCv1 documentation project and spun the wiki build-out out of that, I've decided to work with both DigiNow and the community to resolve this.
I will be very clear that with DigiNow's SCv2 project, I had two issues that kept me away: (1) appearance of bias towards DigiNow because of how the wiki started as a dependency for SCv1 documentation (how can you explain a charger when the bike itself is undocumented?) (2) frustration with the SCv1 process internally mainly because of their upstream vendor, which has made me very skeptical of any charging equipment attached to bikes that doesn't have a sufficient level of engineering and technical quality assurance.
I think I need to step in to help everyone cooperate and benefit, and just deal with the accusations of favoritism by drawing lines carefully around who publishes what and how things are described.
FWIW I would never mount a charger in a top case, for reasons of vibration damping, Cg distortion, and handling issues brought on by having a dense mass near the rear wheel.
I've tried a few variations, and the only workable arrangement seems to be an in-tank mounting or a very secure mounting against the side of the battery case (with an air gap). There are some unresolved issues around cable routing in any position other than the tank.
If I could magically resolve cable routing issues, I might consider 1 SCv2 unit (7lbs) on the inside of each Happy Trails SU rack, fastened extremely securely but padded against the inside of the rack. But I'm much more in favor of a side mount against the main battery compartment and supported by the drop bars.
The belly pan replacement of the onboard charger is an option that has better cable routing properties, but it's more advanced to operate that way and for now reduces clearance to ground which is an issue for a heavily loaded travel bike.