Awesome. Good to have you on the forum. Glad you can get that range with 30% left over (I'm almost your weight and height). Not freeway, I assume.
Thanks, no not freeway but I do take it frequently on 70 mph highways only about 30 miles total. always 50% or more left. Never have seen the 90 miles
estimated on the display, mine is always been 77.5 estimated. have not been 50 miles on it yet but I have logged most all my rides this summer, best 1 written down is 44.5 miles
27% battery at end of ride. It's about half 50mph and half city speeds. I use Rever app to record my rides just wish it could be used with a gopro it helps me figure my routes
and how far I can ride. I ride the same routes over several times but each time I put a waypoint or marker at streets every 3 miles and write down my battery % at each. After done
this several times I can look at the rides I recorded and have an average what my battery % should be at every time I pass streets I marked this down at, it's good only if I
use the same routes but helps me figure how much further I can add to that route.