I dunno, seems like a non problem to me. Either buy the new bike, and commit to not "ridi(ing) aggressive" to achieve the range you want, or don't. I did, and rode to work my first day very slowly, discovering that the range was very adequate for my needs. I now complete my 50-mile round-trip commute every day with about 45-50% SoC remaining when I get home, riding at a speed I'm very happy with -- I rarely even look at my speedometer. That's very much in line with the range predicted by Zero.
"I like to ride aggressive" reads to me as "I don't care about anything but riding like an idiot". If that's true, you may not be happy upgrading. Otherwise, take a chance, and ride in a controlled fashion on the rides you want, Then you can bump up the numbers based on what you find -- that's exactly how I proceeded.
Or continue insisting that riding like an idiot means you can;t ride an EV, and don't upgrade. Miss out. Ain't no big thing.