Well yesterday after just under a month of ownership I exceeded 100 miles in a day/on a charge (109.5 miles to be exact).
I had to be somewhere about 35 miles away so I was a bit aprensive starting out knowing my expected range was only 70 miles @ 70mph.
I kept off the freeway for the first 10 miles as I knew that section runs fast & I would expend much energy keeping from getting run over.
Soon after getting on the freeway I hit traffic (as I knew I would).
This kept my speed down as I filtered my way through.
When I broke through traffic, I kept it at or slightly below the limit (65).
At times it appeared that I was getting just under 1.5 miles/% of battery level usage.
COOL I thought.... I'm going to turn this into a "let's see how many miles I can get out of a charge" ride.
For my return, I decided to take side roads rather the gobble up power on the freeway.
I even found a dirt road (all of 1/2 mile but still...).
When I hit Molhuland Hiway I still had 35+% left on the battery level with 80 or so miles on the clock.
I decided to have a bit of fun in the mountains (Santa Monica's) & picked up the pace a bit as based on miles to battery % earlier in the day I was going to get home with plenty to spare.
By the time I passed the Rockstore
http://www.rock-store.com/I was concerend to see I was down to 15%.
I know I'm only 12 miles from home (the long way) at this point & mostly downhill but I must get up the Snake first
https://www.google.com/search?q=the+snake+mulholland&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS630US630&oq=the+snake+mu&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l2.12010j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=HicE-MlZGr7IOM: About halfway up, I realize battery level is dropping MUCH faster then it has previously!!!
I'm really taking it easy at this point & it's a good thing it's late in the day & I have the road to myself so as not to be a rolling roadblock.
By the time I get to the top, I realize I have to take the shortest way home (7 or so miles).
It's mostly downhill so I know that will help as I run full regen (Custom mode).
I'm tucked in as much as I can & debate if I should speed up in order to catch a car to draft.
I do catch a car & plant myself on their bumber all tucked in.
I watch in horror as I'm down to 3%, then 2%.
Thankfully it's a loooong downhill section with much regen & 3% reappears.
Finally the downhill section ends & I must climb.
By this time 00% is displayed......
What the Heck, what happened to 01%? I never saw it!!!
I decide to dump my tow & just slow WAY DOWN.
I'm contemplating my options.....
There's a fire station not too far off my path. I could stop by there for a quick charge. I check the time & see it's 8:30. Concerned that's a bit late for an unannounced visit I decide to press on.
I then decide to try to find a 110v outlet in a strip mall.
I circle around briefly looking & decide it's not worth the energy (literally) looking for power 4 miles from home as I MAY just pull this off yet.
It was perhaps the longest 4 miles I've yet traveled but I made it.
I never felt any reduction in performance, but then again I was REAL gentle on the rheostat.
I've since read that the % indicator can be misleading & that battery voltage is a truer gauge.
Wish I had that knowledge last night.
NAHHHH, I just would have pressed on further & then truly ran out of juice.