I have been riding / driving EVs for about a decade and have become VERY good at HyperMiling.
The ride out Started around 1:40 in the Morning to avoid as much traffic and police as possible.
The road was 70 MPH. MY speed was mostly between 45 and 50. The last 20 miles or so, I dropped
down to between 25 and 35. The Ride back was in the middle of the day with road construction and stop and
wait. Speed was mostly under 55. That was why the stop in Indian Springs. I was concerned that I
would not make it back. Most of my "range" adventures would not be considered a "FUN" ride, but,
enjoyable to me. Around town with 35 to 45 mph average speeds, I am able to easily reach 200 miles.
This is taking as much advantage of regen as possible. Since this was going to be a highway ride,
there would be little of that so I kept speeds painfully low. My ride to and from work is 6 miles of
35 and 45 mph city street with 20 stoplights between my house and the freeway, then, 13 miles of
freeway, ( usually around 55 mph ) then another mile at the end to work. This uses under 15% of the battery from full.
Today I was in a bit of a hurry to work and was going 65 to 75 on the way. 55 on the way home. 42 miles round trip
put me home with 71% battery and 102 miles of projected range. This was hiding behind the touring fairing TO
work and 55 mph sitting up on the way home.