Hi fellow owners!
Zero is in the process of changing our charging and storage recommendations for 2013 and newer motorcycles, but it has nothing to do with power pack overheating, lawyers, or any of the other issues discussed above. We’ve learned much from several years of experience with our current cells and from data provided by the manufacturer. We are applying these learnings in a number of areas. One key change is that we are no longer requiring that you always keep the motorcycle plugged in. In fact, we have found that our 2013 and newer motorcycles should have even longer and healthier lives if the motorcycle is left unplugged when charging isn’t need. We’ll be launching a communications plan to all owners in the next few weeks, but the new charging recommendations for 2013 and new bikes are:
"Charging Recommendations for 2013 and newer Zero Motorcycles (All Models)
Regular Use
After each use, you should plug your motorcycle into an AC power source to recharge. Once it is charged, you should disconnect it from the AC power source. Leaving your motorcycle off the charger will maximize long-term power pack health.
While unplugged and keyed off, the motorcycle's electronics will consume a very small amount of power and the power pack will drain extremely slowly. If you don’t ride for an extended period (30 days or more), you may want to plug the motorcycle in for a few hours to charge it prior to your next ride.
Long-term Storage
For planned long-term storage (more than 30 days), we recommend draining the power pack to a ~60% state of charge, and leaving the charger unplugged.
Once again, the power pack will drain extremely slowly over time. Check state of charge (SoC) at least monthly, and charge it back up to 60% if it has dropped below 30%. When you’re ready to take your motorcycle out of storage to ride it again, plug in the charger for at least 24 hours to ensure optimal cell balance is restored.
Warning: Never store your motorcycle at a state of charge of less than 30%. Leaving the power pack discharged below this level for a prolonged period could damage the power pack and void the warranty."
As an owner of multiple Zero motorcycles, I had an impossible time keeping them all plugged in. So from my personal perspective, we are just relaxing our guidelines to make them even more enjoyable.