Zero's main priority right now is making the bike less expensive to produce each year and to try to pass those savings along to the consumer. So fast charging would take them in the more expensive direction. And they feel most Zero owners only use their bikes for commuting and won't ever venture more than 40 or 50 miles from their house. And if they ask current Zero owners only, most will say that. Because that's all they can do right now. Also most who bought a Zero already, weren't the type who needed to go very far anyway.
Everyone who is waiting to buy a Zero because they do need to charge faster, wasn't included in their demographic sample so they got the answer they were looking for even though it isn't accurate or representative of the average motorcycle rider.
If a Zero could have 30 minute charging, they would have to run the production line in 3 shifts 24 hours a day, year round to keep up with demand. But perhaps they aren't ready for that and don't want to sell more bikes so are holding off on offering faster charging because that would mean an instant increase in demand and sales and they have to prepare supply lines or something first perhaps.
Go ahead, sense the sarcasm in that last paragraph if you care to.
Experiencing faster charging is like indoor plumbing. Once you experience it, you will gladly pay more to have it. However if you haven't you don't see exactly how good it is, even though you think you do. In fact some are like "no I'm good going outside to poop, thanks" while thinking to themselves, "who would want to do that in their house? That would make the whole house smell like crap!" (Read: I'm ok charging overnight in 8 hours, but thanks)
I think it's fair to say most of the people making the decisions at Zero about fast charging have never ridden a Zero more than 200 miles in a single day. If they would only "poop inside" just once, they would see the benefit. I got my friend Luke hooked on AC charging fast about a year ago, and now if you tried to take his fast charger away he would fight you. Yet 5 years ago he said AC fast charging on a Zero would never be worthwhile. But since he "pooped inside" he saw the light, even though he thought he saw the light before. Its one of those things you have to experience just once, yet those that haven't, will tell you they can do the math in their head and understand it perfect. It doesn't work that way. I'd love it if they gave the engineering team a week paid off and all they had to do is ride 1000 miles that week on a Zero.
By Monday the following week, fast charging would be the main priority because the lightbulb they could swear was lit before finally went fully bright and they could see everything from both ends of the tunnel instead of just one.
But before they do that, they need to get the production line ready to run 24 hours a day. It's going to need it.