My iPhone 6sPlus died today at 24%
I was at home and it was warm, then went out to ride and the phone got colder than it was quickly. My dog Charger was playing with another dog and I went to take a video and the phone stalled, I remember seeing 24% battery, next thing I know the screen went blank. Tried to power it on and the screen showing I needed to plug it in came on. 3 hours later I made it home and plugged it in, and after about a minute it came on and said 16%.
Some might think Apple is a big company with a lot of resources. At least compared to Zero. And Apple doesn't have it figured out yet. Calculating battery energy completely accurately is incredibly difficult. Other times my phone has been at 1% for like 2 hours of talking on the phone while I keep telling the person my phone will shut off at any moment and it never does.
The Zero battery is very similar. Sometimes it might say 20% but really be almost empty at any minute. Other times it might say 20% but have 35% left. The 2015's and up seemed to deal with this much much better than the 2014's but we've seen it's not perfect still. I've heard the 2017's have 2 completely separate current sensors, so this should be solved on the 2017 bikes to where you can depend on the SOC more than a 10% margin,
Remember when in doubt, check the phone app while stopped and check the battery page. If the resting voltage is 98 or below, start looking for a place to plug in. 88-90 volts is the lowest you will see where 93 volts might get you one mile at very slow speed. 97 volts and below it will start dropping faster and faster and will reduce power more and more.
Having some sort of fast charger with you means if this ever happens where you ride to the bottom of the range and it cuts power back you can simply find the closest place to plug in to high power and boost charge real quick to either get home or to find a charging spot where you can grab a bite to eat and use the bathroom if you are on a long road trip.
Phones and electric devices were almost better when there was just a battery icon in the upper right with 3 diagonal pieces that would fill it. With 3 pieces it was considered full. With 2 pieces, all we knew is it wasn't full. With 1 piece it let us know it could be empty at any time. When there were 0 pieces left it usually would flash or something letting us know not to expect too much. But this was the 25% mark. it could last a while, just no guarantees.
We all think the 2014 had the worst current sensing, but the 2013 had a bar gauge that wasn't a precision reporting meter to us, so we didn't expect to get it down to the bottom accurately. If you know how batteries work than you know not to expect anything under 20% that will ruin your day if it comes up short. Always have a backup plan, preferably with a fast charger.
Zero could hide 25% of the capacity from the user, and have it ramp down to 0% quicker, but you could have 25 miles left then and not know at all where you stand. it's pretty good the way it is, and the 2017 bikes with dual current sensors should make it pretty much perfect accuracy now.