I'm really excited about the new scv2, but will likely wait a year or so before jumping in. Here are my concerns/considerations
1) I bought two Elcon chargers four months ago; it's difficult for me to justify the expense of the scv2 at this point
2) I'm only interested in scv2 if I can do 1C charging. I think that means four units (2016 SR, no power tank). Though I haven't read all posts in this thread, it seems availability may be limited at this time
3) with any new technology/consumer product there are bugs, revisions, more bugs, more revisions. I prefer to wait a year to see how it all pans out
4) from some that I've read, it sounds like one might need to do some alterations to the bike at accomadate the scv2. I much prefer a "plug-n-play" approach. Alternatively, I'd be willing to pay someone (with a better set of tools and knowledge than I have) to make any needed modifications.
5) If I wait two years ... there may be a better zero with a much better range.
Closing note: today, pulling away from a stoplight, I got scortched by a guy on a smallish ICE. Ouch;
that doesn't happen much. Need ... more ... more ... torque ...