Thanks to a reader comment on Zero's Facebook page I would like to introduce an informal challenge for electric bikers. Now that more people are getting fast charging systems (digiNow and dual Elcons), there will be more people who can accomplish this feat.
The Lithium Butt Challenge is to ride 500 miles in 24 hours on an electric motorcycle.
So far Terry Hershner has done it, I have done it, and possibly Brandon Nozaki-Miller did it during his 1,000 mile weekend (but that may have been 3 days).
Please list the date on which you completed the challenge.
WARNING: This is a difficult challenge both physically and mentally. Always ride under safe conditions and do not put yourself in danger. Even with the fastest charging equipment, this ride will take approximately 18 hours under ideal conditions. That is a long day and fatigue can seriously affect your riding abilities.