Thanks for the replies!
The bent brake lever will break, if attempted to straighten it, as others have also reported. The end of it just broke off. The good news is that I have enough of it left that it seems like I might not even need to replace it. It is almost a perfect "shorty" lever now. But maybe I'll have it replaced anyway.
The handlebar guards I am a bit confused about. Why would I want a rigid metal guard there? OK, if I wipe-out at speed, I suppose it might save my handlebars ends, but it would also transfer the impact rather than absorb it. Wouldn't it be better to have a metal guard to protect the end of the handlebars that also has a shock-absorbing sacrificial plastic or rubber end? The plastic guard on he Zero I think did exactly what it was supposed to do in my situation - when my bike fell, it deformed and needs to be replaced, but it protected the handlebar and I guess absorbed the impact and not transferred it to and through the handlebars to other areas of the bike. It stayed put in my case and did a good job, but I agree it will not do anything if this was a sliding accident - it'd just come right off or shear the protective end off very easy. That's why I'm thinking a combination: a soft tip/bumper for if I bump into something (like it would protect my car's finish and garage door if I bump into it maneuvering the bike in my garage) or if I drop the bike stationary. And a sturdier metal piece behind the bumper to protect the handlebars in case of a moving wipeout...