Someone asked why Diginow hasn't posted a webpage with pictures and more information, and let me tell you that Brandon is spending every minute solving the potential reliability issues that have been discovered as recently as Brian Rice's install that there hasn't been time for anything else yet.
Those who preordered and waited so long will notice they got a significant discount over the 2nd round price. With the upgrades to components, the unit now costs more to make than was planned for with the initial 20, however those who preordered will not have to pay any more, just be getting a product that should have been priced higher to start. There's almost no profit in this, and if you add up all brandons time he has probably been working for about 15 cents an hour on this over the perhaps thousand or more hours he has in this.
Doug, I heard Brandon say the other day he wants to travel down to you to do the install personally to make sure it is done exactly correctly. While it eventually will be shippable for others to install themselves, until a few cable lengths are adjusted, for instance to prevent the pilot pin wires from being pulled if bent too hard which can cause loss of signal and hence won't charge like Brian experienced a couple weeks ago.
Someone also mentioned it shouldn't ship if it's still technically in beta mode. Well that is exactly why this didn't ship in December like originally projected. And it is reaching the point where all corner case conditions have been tested but issues still have been discovered in the past month that could be addressed to make it more robust and fail proof.
Everyone that comments here, keep in mind Brandon is basically doing this for free at this point as a benefit to the community. Someone also mentioned that someone in California is lazy, well Brandon works his regular job, then spends 10 hours refining code for the Beagle bone and making 3D printed parts and for guys like Brian and I who have been around him for a few days he only sleeps 2-3 hours some nights and other nights there just isn't time and he doesn't, so while you might be thinking of a hippie surfer who gets high and says "dude" a lot, I can assure you without question Brandon works harder than you do.
Ben Rich's successful charging has been another positive that makes all of us confident that all the first 20 will be out by July and in mid August the new ones will be ready although at a slightly higher price.
All good things take time and this is no different.