My screen arrived the other day and thanks to all your photos, I managed to fit it.
Here are a few points I've found:
I had trouble attaching the clamps to the handlebars. When using the rubber spacers, I couldn't get the clamp together enough. It meant that the screw presented to the thread at an angle and cross threaded. I therefore had to take the spacers out but bare metal on bare metal meant there wasn't enough grip. The clamps moved at speed and the screen tilted back.
I wasn't keen on the clamps going over the cables running from the throttle and controls, especially when the clamps weren't gripping enough. I don't fancy any of those cables breaking.
The plastic is quite thin and flexed at speed.
I found the top of the screen to be a bit intrusive on my view and a bit distracting. It felt a bit too close to my face too.
The screen prevents my mirrors from folding up. I should have thought about that. Unfortunately I need to fold them every day to get my bike through a narrow alley into my garden. I could still fold them forward and just make it through, but it was awkward.
I put a cover over my bike at night. I didn't try it with this tall screen, but I imagine it would lift the bottom of the cover off the ground.
The biggest problem by far was the wind noise. It starts as a dull roar just over 20 mph and just gets louder. It was starting to give me a headache on my way home from work and that's with earplugs.
If I give this screen another go, I'll have to chop a fair bit off the top. Hopefully that'll help with the rigidity too.
As you've probably guessed, the screen only got one outing and I've taken it off already. It was cheap, so I'm not surprised really.
I'm sure it'll work for some but I felt I should list those potential issues. The screen on my Fazer worked well. It wasn't big but it kept enough wind off my chest to stop me getting cold during winter.
With my Zero, I'm not doing routes that keep me at high speeds for any great length of time. That's simply due to range and the nature of my commute.
It's probably worth taking a closer look at Zero's offering if a screen is really important to you. Hopefully someone will post a review of it at some stage.