Hey Jamie, hope you get your bike soon! You are going to love it!
You sound like me and many others here. You ride mostly on road, and the only time your bike ever gets cleaned is when you ride it in the rain. I've put over 10,000 miles on my 2015 Zero and never a belt issue or problem and I've ridden in downpours many times including yesterday and the day before. And many more miles on a 2012 Zero.
Some have experienced issues with water and usually after washing, but they are so very rare now, they perhaps are less than the rate of issues that gasoline bikes have, and are set to be even better. The 2016 bike is the most reliable model so far. Over the past 4 months, out of thousands of bike owners, the only issues are from "new" deliveries of 2014 bikes for the most part. There were some charger issues with the 2015 on GFI circuits, but the 2016 should be as reliable or more as a BMW GS series. They just keep getting better every year.
Can't wait for you to take your first ride and post about it!!