Thanks Lipo, much appreciated. It has been a long haul. I had a long chat with a good friend of mine about buying a Zero in 2013, shortly after my first test ride. At the time it would almost twice as much to get one compared to the DSP deal. He's far more sensible than me and we more-or-less justified it over a couple of pints. In the cold light of day it didn't stack up though. I hadn't been commuting by bike for very long and I just couldn't commit to a purchase that would take four years to break even on.
At that point I might have walked away from the whole idea, if it wasn't for this forum. Shortly afterwards Zero pulled out of the UK, so if I'd just checked Zero's website a year later I would have given up on the idea.
It's thanks to everyone who reads this post that I've realised a dream. This is definitely a sale that Zero can assign to this forum, along with Streetbike and their own hard work too.
I've probably written enough words here to write a small book, so here are some acknowledgements:
Justin, you've been a gentleman from the moment I met you here. Having someone in the UK who bought a Zero so early on, who is so enthusiastic, friendly and generous with your time has been fantastic! Thank you very much. It might seem like nothing to you, but it really makes a difference.
On the subject of making a difference, here are some of the names I can think of. Apologies if I miss anyone:
Ben, Richard, Lipo, Burton, Terry, Nigezero, Electric Cowboy, Stevewp, skademo, ctrlburn, the doctor, Erasmo, Gareth and many others. I've run out of time to search the grey cells (Cortez just came to mind), but you know who you are. I must mention Brian too. Our little spat was hurtful. It made me realise how much this forum has become part of my life. It's not nice falling out with people. In the end it strengthened my resolve. I'm glad you're back and posting away Brian. No hard feelings.
It's time for my first ever electric commute, on a bike at least. TTFN.