So Victory buys Brammo, waits a year and then releases what appears to me as the exact same empulse that was sold for at least $1000 less than the $20000 Victory. I thoughts Brammos were neat but after finding the Zero SR I couldn't even consider the Brammo anymore. I was excited when Victory bought Brammo and thought they would improve the great start of an electric bike. Maybe I am missing something but all that happened was the bike got more expensive and no updates to a bike that was out in 2013.
"No updates" isn't really fair. The Victory Empulse has a a slightly higher capacity battery - 100Ah up from 90Ah, slightly faster onboard charger (3.8 kW up from 3.3 kW), narrower rear wheel/tire for improved handling (180 width on a 54 hp bike was always silly), improved rear cush drive, and
most importantly Bold New Graphics.
Zero has IMO left Brammo - or more specifically the Empulse as a product - behind. I think the ZF13 S with a Charge Tank is a better bike in almost every way, even ignoring the $4000 price difference - but the Victory bike
in theory has an established support network, and a six speed gearbox. That will bring in some riders that would never have considered Zero - or any other electric motorcycle - and that can only be a good thing.
I hope Victory does continue development, and that this is the only the very beginning of a line of well-supported motorcycles that continue to draw interest from "traditional" riders.
Edit: clarify