I finally got a response from OLEV:
Dear Tom
Thanks for your email and phone call chasing progress on this issue, I'm very sorry for the delay in getting back to you about this. The answer is that the Government remains committed to supporting the UK's zero emission motorcycle industry. We have been working with stakeholders on the details of a scheme and will make a further announcement in due course once we have Ministerial clearance to do so.
I appreciate how frustrating the delay must be, but I hope this clarifies the situation.
Yours sincerely,
Mr John ****** | Policy Advisor, Program Office, Office for Low Emission Vehicles
1/29- 33 GMH
It's the same story we've been getting since before Christmas. How utterly hopeless and incompetent is it possible to be? So much for trying to run the country like a business...
I've replied to John, have thanked him for his response (3 months late after numerous attempts at making contact - but I didn't say that), and have asked him if there's anything he can do to expedite the process. I did point out that there was talk of a subsidy back in 2012.
I'm glad I don't have to deal with the government in my day job...
As regular readers will know, I decided to give up waiting for the subsidy. I still want them to implement the damn thing though! Who knows how long they're going to string this out for? There has been no shortage of bad information so far, even with the best intentions! One budget has passed, nothing announced in time for today's new vehicle registrations and so the next budget is dangled like a carrot. Let's expect nothing, unless there's some hard evidence. That way people can just stop getting their hopes up and get on with their lives, with or without an electric bike!