Well, at least the 2018 link was put in a thread talking about it 
Tho I'm interested... Do you guys think they're on track to make 5000 bikes by 2021?
Interesting question... If they sold ~150 bikes last year, like guesstimated
here, I the combo of large battery, DC charging and good value per money getting them to high three digits this year, maybe even 1000 bikes, this year. If they manage that, several thousand bikes in 2021 is possible, although I think 5K would be difficult, due to the value proposition vs. ICE bikes .
(If the quote meant
cumulative 5K by end 2021, I don't think they've sold enough bikes to date for that).
The first extensive road tests will be key. They also have a good rep on production quality, from everything I see so far.
Of course, that depends on them having the production capacity (the investor presentation linked above says they can build 5K/year), sufficient investment (apparently €20M as of mid last year) and enough dealerships to sell through.
Going by their websites, they currently have ~60 dealerships worldwide: ~40 in Europe, 11 in the US & 6 elsewhere. That's probably enough to sell and support sales of several 1000s of bikes/year. The investor presentation does say they intend to have 25 dealerships in the US & Canada by end 2020.
They look to be pretty well positioned for expanding sales; non of the large bike makers except H-D seem to have EV bikes in mind on the near term (next 1-2 years).
I do expect a sales explosion in cheaper EV commuter bikes & scooters, but that's a different market (well below $10K/bike) .