Hey everyone!
Purchased a Zero DS 2014 slightly over a year ago. Over 12 thousand miles on the ODO, all in the Pacific Northwest.
This week I had my second solo accident on the bike, pretty much the same as the first one in February this year :
front wheel locked during a slow right turn on a rainy day, and I fell to the right side. Minor scratches to the bike
the first time, this time I slightly bent the mirror and severely bent the brake lever. Brake lever broke when I tried to
straighten it.
The big question now is what to do about the crash bars. I've been searching for them pretty much since the beginning
of the year, and there is still nothing on Zero's or any other aftermarket manufacturer website. I've contacted Zero
about it, and they said "sorry, can't help", even though they make crash bars for the police version of DS.
Second problem is where to find the brake lever that would fit. Master cylinder says Nissin on the side, and brake
lever has 03D stamped on it, but Google search doesn't return any images of similar levers.
Any ideas ?
P.S. As much as I love my Zero, support from Zero is non-existent. We can't get their accessories or parts without a hustle,
can't find anything aftermarket either. Not something you'd expect paying that kind of money for a bike. [/rant]