Thanks for the response.
I had no idea that getting a motor to turn was supposed to be this difficult.
Well... I start it up by engaging the main keyswitch, and then flipping a single switch that should engage FWD and FS1 simultaneously. REV is not used.
Several things here give me pause.
-Page 56 of the manual indicates that the controller has a "Static Return to Off" feature which requires an specific order of switches to be thrown. Key, direction and then FS1. Any bizarre combination therein will create a 2 flash error. The problem is that feature is supposed to be disabled by default, so I shouldn't have a problem.
-Page 60 indicates that if either direction is selected at system startup, it will create a 2 flash error like I experienced. I did jump the FWD connection wire originally, and that would have created such an error. That shouldn't be an issue in the current configuration.
-Currently the keyswitch and toggle switch for FWD/FS1 are a couple of paces away from each other, and I saw that there might be a time limit from power engage to throwing the switch. That makes sense, but again that's a feature that is supposed to be disabled by default.
FS1 according to the text must be thrown after system power on. Jumping it to ground would probably not work as it would be closed upon system startup. I could be true that I got some bad advice about throwing FS1 and FWD simultaneously, and it might expect some kind of order though.
I am not using a single pole double throw switch for FWD/REV, and the situation must in order to make the controller engage is that both must be off at system power up. If the controller does in fact find the system "in gear" upon power up, it will create my 2 flash error. That can be disabled with the programmer, but again, $250.
My key switch is a bit hefty, sure. But the controller does in fact get power it just has some kind of illegal start condition fault.
And this is a real headache.
well, illegal start error is going to have something to do with order of startup. We need more info.... how do you start it up? whats is the order of how you turn things on?
Also, I'm almost positive FS1 and FWD cannot be initiated ON at the EXACT same time. Since you'll always be going forward, just wire it to BAT-. The issue being, the controller is looking for EITHER FWD or REV.... but if it doesn't see ANYTHING for a certain amount of time, it might fault out. i.e. keyswitch on, then you wait, then FS1/FWD is initiated... it might already have timed out. the FWD/REV switch is usually a toggle, so its either/or...and its never neither.
Another thing confusing.... is that you've got a 275A continuous key switch and 15A fuse supplying it. What is the intention of that circuit?