Hey Ben saw your remove the plastics video where you took off your elcons. Now I see this post is there any way you could use both the elcons and the Digi? I assume not but damn that would be some fast charging. Lightning bolt into the Flux Capacitor for sure.
12+5+1.3 = 18.3kW of pure charging power! That would be amazing! Terry has gone that high, but I don't plan to go above 1C since that is the manufacturer's recommended rate.
I'll post soon about my trip this summer, but suffice it to say it will be a long one. My travel days will be longer than last summer when averaging 312 miles (500km) per day. So my travel time will depend greatly on how effective the charger is.
Best case scenario: Supercharger works as promised and I only need to charge for 40-50 minutes on average (I don't usually ride until empty because charging stations aren't perfectly placed).
Middling scenario 1: Supercharger arrives, but can only deliver 6-7kW of charging. If this is the case, I'll bring an Elcon with me (2 would be too bulky & heavy), so I can charge at about 8-9kW while at dual J1772 plugs. This will be slower at RV Parks, but slightly faster at double J1772 plugs (1 for the supercharger and 1 for the Elcon/onboard charger).
Middling scenario 2: If the bike can't take more than 6.6kW, then I won't be able to charge much faster than last summer, but any increase will be helpful.
Worst case scenario: If everything falls through or the supercharger doesn't arrive in time, then I'll just take the trip using Elcons and will have to ride longer each day and arrive later at night or arrive the next day. This is not a bad scenario, but it would be frustrating since I planned the trip assuming I would have a functioning supercharger by the time riding season began.
Electric Terry or Electric Cowboy, any insight into which of these scenarios I can expect this summer would be greatly appreciated!