This tool confirmed that my bike has serious issues, while I'm told constantly that things are fine with it. 24-28% power available to the motor at 28-68% SOC and a decent ambient temp is not normal! Thank you!!! Going through old logs I've mailed in is making me angry.
Perfectly normal ride here:
Since I was in the parser, I pulled up my SR logs. 28% power available at 64% SOC. Yeah, that checks out, seems normal. Nothing wrong with this bike...
07615 01/11/2017 14:26:18 Riding PackTemp: h 19C, l 19C, PackSOC: 64%, Vpack: 92.516V, MotAmps: 148, BattAmps: 188, Mods: 10, MotTemp: 69C, CtrlTemp: 26C, AmbTemp: 15C, MotRPM:4564, Odo:12518km
07616 01/11/2017 14:26:18 Batt Dischg Cur Limited 199 A (28%), MinCell: 3249mV, MaxPackTemp: 19C
When I got home:
07639 01/11/2017 14:37:18 Disarmed PackTemp: h 24C, l 24C, PackSOC: 53%, Vpack:102.373V, MotAmps: 0, BattAmps: 2, Mods: 01, MotTemp: 59C, CtrlTemp: 21C, AmbTemp: 13C, MotRPM: 0, Odo:12530km