It certainly doesn't indicate an overall pattern of behavior on Zero's part.
I bought a 2011 XU that was NOS. I liked it so much that I bought a 2014 SR as soon as it was available. Then the XU developed a no drive problem. Even though I had two-year warranty paperwork, Zero gave me a huge fight over doing a parts warranty, indicated they would pay for it, then said it was damage to the throttle which was causing the problem. I replaced the throttle on my nickel. A few miles later, the bike was dead again. Zero did step up to fix it - so far, they've replaced the MBB and gone through the wiring harness. It's been six months. The bike is still dead. They say they are out of ideas. I'm left with a bike I can't sell, and that they won't take as trade in since I've already bought a 2014.
Am I upset? Yes. Have I stopped talking up Zero to my friends? Yes. Am I slagging them off? No. But at this point I've basically written off the price of the XU even though it's barely four years old, and was sold just two and a half years ago. It's the truth about being on the cutting edge: sometimes you bleed, sometimes for thousands of dollars. I don't expect to ever get a cent that I spent on this bike back. That really ruins the math on cost per mile.
Zero still has the opportunity to step up and do the right thing. Right now they're not even returning my phone calls or emails. Getting the letter in the middle of this process was an absolutely offensive action. The next move is theirs. I feel badly for the dealer, who has been really nice to work with and now has this bike taking up space in their shop for 6+ months, absolutely useless to them and to me.
(this is, by the way, ignoring the problem with the 2014 that I'm going to just live with now that it's out of labor warranty: the steering lock broke. I'm not going to pay to fix it even though the parts are covered, because I don't trust them to not break something else in the meanwhile or find some way to charge me for it)