Are you able to back your bike up and feel secure doing so? I have to back my bike out of my driveway every morning, and I can't imagine trying to do that without having both feet in full contact with the ground. It may not be a problem very often, but I'd worry about the occasion when you have to back out of a parking space or something.
For the life of me I can't understand why the seat on my bike (2014 SR) needs to be six inches higher than the seat on my buddy's new Sportster.
Backing the bike does take longer on my toes than flat on my feet. Any time I need to back the bike up, it is almost always out of a parking spot and I always do that dismounted as the bike is "booting up".
I personally like to be able to flat foot my bikes, or as close as possible to it anyway. It makes me feel a lot more comfortable, and puts my mind more at ease in certain situations. Especially when backing up the bike as Doug S has said or in stop and go traffic. I like to walk my bike in traffic, and not being able to put my feet firmly down makes me nervous in those situations.
I do agree, it would be nice to flat both feet down and I'd be scared if I ever had to back up in traffic. Honestly, it is one of the big reasons why I originally wanted a cruiser, but riding this way for so long has made it weird for me to put both feet down even when I do get to ride a cruiser. Creeping it forward is amazingly effortless and precise on electric though.
I know it sounds like I'm just throwing compromises at you, but the fact stands that I'm a person your height who rides this bike originally with similar concerns, and all these issues may turn out to be non-issues for you just as it did for me.