So, a few more thoughts on the VStream. I've settled for now mounting it as much forward as possible, while leaving enough space on top for me to duck behind it without crouching. The airstream hits my helmet sides and top, creating some funny vibrations, but it is not too noisy. A little duck and I'm completely under the air, which is awesome. Almost like the way it was with my Vectrix and a winter screen, though not quite as good due to the lack of fairing and leg protection.
I think such large screen offers advantage in terms of aerodynamics without ducking much. But at high speeds above 75mph, I think a smaller screen with a deep duck behind it might be more efficient.
It does look big, but not totally ridiculous... I'm seriously thinking of adapting some sort of fairing and moving the headlight further forward so I can gain some additional space to make it more angled back, which I think will smooth-out the flow over it further. But first I'll experiment with an extension to see if it will eliminate the annoying flutter when I'm not ducking.
The top of the screen is a bigger area than the bottom, so at speed it wants to pivot, so the bottom needs to be secured to minimize this. Such a big screen will always be a little floppy on top though.