This e-bike seems over-priced even though the bike is light and has good suspension and brakes. Yes, being able to pedal is a huge advantage. Also being able to remove either the battery pack or move the entire bike inside your home/apt. can be a huge advantage. I have 3 e-bikes, all street legal, but I think I paid $1100 for my Li 9.6AH, 36 volt/750 watts Ampedbike kit (my best ebike). The kit came with a front hub direct drive motor already mounted on the front wheel which I put on a Trek mountain bike. That's the largest legal size in Texas. It gets me about 12 miles of electric power only. Add some leg power and you can go a very long way. None of these legal ebikes are good hill climbers. They would overheat and shut down or maybe even burn out the motor in extreme cases, but if you are willing to pedal and don't have a lot of steep hills, they are great. One other don't really have to abide by traffic laws. You can not stop at stop signs, cut across parking lots, ride on sidewalks, etc. It's still not legal, but since kids ride bikes, I guess they are grandfathered in. I figured out I can get across town on my Ebike faster than in a car or motorcycle by disregarding traffic laws. I think for what you are looking for, the Stealth Bomber would be closer.