Three long beep. BMS doesn't like the power pack on start up.
"( BMS Appendix
There are other beeps which may occur under two
circumstances that operators will normally never see.
Unlike many electronic systems, the BMS essentially
never “power cycles.†A typical BMS is powered-on
only once, in the factory, when it is connected to the
wiring-harness inside the power pack. It may quite
possibly operate continuously for years without ever
being powered-down.
But on that one occasion when it is first powered-on,
the BMS will perform a simple sanity check and
report the result with a beep pattern. Note that this
sanity check (and the resulting beep patterns) is
different from the key on self-test. The sanity test (and
the beeps) happens immediately when the board is
first powered-up (connected to a power pack).
During service or maintenance, the BMS-board may
be disconnected from and then reconnected to the
power pack wiring harness. In those cases, the BMS
will perform the sanity check (and result-beeps) every
time it is plugged-in.
2 Short Pwr-on M-cmd Pass Sanity/ Mfg.test
3 Long Pwr-on M-cmd Fail Sanity/ Mfg.test
It is possible to encounter the sanity check result errorbeeps
from a badly-malfunctioning or damaged power
pack. If so, the user should return the power pack to
Zero for repair or replacement. )"