I didn't remember all these grunt and groan noises on the demo while moving it around a parking spot. My dealer said the noise is the motor and it's normal.
First time I heard that, the dealer told me it was trying to regenerate from being pushed around, even at those super-slow speeds. It sounded implausible to me, but I didn't argue. But then someone here (perhaps aaronzero or someone else that actually works at Zero?) posted that when being pushed around at very low speeds, the controller will contribute a tiny amount of torque to eliminate the extra force required to turn the motor, since it uses permanent magnets and will tend to "stick" when the rotor is aligned right under the magnets. That sounds much more plausible to me.
At any rate, yeah, my bike does it, always has. I'm pretty sure it's very normal. I consider it just another way the bike is ultra responsive to its rider.