This is an issue with the DVT software installation. I have one laptop that has this problem and one that works correctly and show the high values and will take the changes. Try installing the DVT Software on another laptop or do a complete reinstall on your existing machine (clear out all directories between uninstall and install).
Worked right away! Thanks for the heads up on this.
Went for a quick go around the parking lot to try things out and change some settings. Note I need a good road test before confirming what settings I like best. Cold tires and smooth concrete dont allow very good rear traction on braking and a bad testbed.
I tried brake feather out (200RPM to 0RPM) and didnt like it very much on the first go around. First settings I am going to try on the road:
72Nm braking max torque, 30% max allowable in both eco/sport
Stop regen at 100RPM (I think I want it higher)
1V to 4.2V as active range.
120A, 117.6V battery limits (with Nissan leaf pack)
There are a few quirks right now, that I want to investigate further. Like more drag on the bike when in neutral. And when I pull and release the regen lever at a stop the chain tightens and then releases.