Thanks to everybody who has sent me information. I really appreciate all the help that has been given so freely by people on this forum. You guys are a great bunch. I won't name names about who sent me exactly what, for various reasons but you all know who you are, and thank you all very much, there is now a DS here that should live again thanks to you all.
I wish manufacturers of any equipment would give more technical information about their products freely. Other manufacturers don't need their service manuals to reverse engineer their stuff, they would just buy one and take it apart, nut by nut. It only hurts the end users.
I think too, their reputation for reliability would improve, if people knew just how their bikes were put together. Many minor repairs could be done before becoming major issues. Lets face it too, there would be many people who would look at the manual and decide they don't have the time, inclination or special tools to do the job themselves but wouldn't then wonder why the service to fix a problem had cost what it did, when they understood what would have to be done to fix a problem. Win - Win as far as I see it for the manufacturers. They still get most of the service business but they have happier customers, who can keep their own bikes on the road more, rather than sitting dead somewhere waiting to be fixed when they can be taken for service somewhere (often 100s of Kms away!!!) My nearest dealer is towards the North side of the state (Australian States = BIG) NSW in my case, for those who know that is Gosford way north of Sydney for the dealer and I am in Mittagong, in the southern highlands, way south of Sydney. If a zero was your only vehicle and you needed it fixed, then you are stuffed.
If they are worried about people electrocuting themselves, then wouldn't it be less likely if they actually had a wiring diagram. People are often going to try themselves to fix a problem, with or without the information to do the job. It would be much safer if they could actually know what it is they are touching!!!
Anyway guys, thanks again for all the information. I feel right now for info.